If you have installed a lot of applications on your iPhone, the backup can take forever. Itunes does not back the application data only, but the whole application binary everytime. To disable the slow back up type
defaults write com.apple.iTunes DeviceBackupsDisabled -bool true
in the terminal. If you want to enable it again type:
defaults write com.apple.iTunes DeviceBackupsDisabled -bool false
Note: This also disables backing up your SMS-messages etc. So you may want to enable the backup from time to time.
This only works on the mac. Windows Users click here.
August 25th, 2008 at 5:24 am
I have written a small FREE Windows program called “iPhone Backup Switch”. The program will allow you to enable and disable the iPhone backup feature in iTunes. I have tested it pretty well in Windows XP and VISTA. There is a backup feature that will backup the iTunes configuration and let you restore a previous version, if something goes wrong. Comes complete with installer and uninstaller.
Get it here:
Spread the word please!