admin on October 16th, 2016
smcfancontrol_v2 [Download]
smcFanControl 2.6 adds the following features/bugfixes:

  • New: Added french localization
  • New: Updated sparkle updater
  • New: smcFanControl now requires macOS 10.7 or higher
  • Fixed: Crash on Macbook 12″
  • Fixed: Invisible text on macOS Sierra “Dark mode”

smcFanControl 2.6 requires OS X 10.7 or higher. Support for 32Bit machines has been deprecated.

admin on October 21st, 2014
smcfancontrol_v2 [Download]
smcFanControl 2.5 adds the following features/bugfixes:

  • New: Reduced energy usage on OS X 10.9 and OS X 10.10
  • New: Support for Yosemite Dark Mode
  • Fixed: Crash on OS X 10.9, when deleting Favorites
  • Fixed: Various smaller fixes, improvements and code optimizations
  • Support for OS X 10.5 is deprecated

smcFanControl 2.5 requires OS X 10.6 or higher. Support for 32Bit machines has been deprecated.

admin on August 21st, 2012
smcfancontrol_v2 [Download]

smcFanControl 2.4 adds the following features/bugfixes:

  • Support for OS X Mountain Lion / Gatekeeper
  • Support for Retina Macbook Pro
  • smcFanControl is now a 64 Bit application
  • AutoStart works now without AppleScript
  • Support for OS X 10.4 is deprecated
  • The source code for smcFanControl is now available at Github
admin on July 15th, 2011
smcfancontrol_v2 [Download]

smcFanControl 2.3 adds the following features/bugfixes:

  • Support for OS X Lion
  • Now displays the temperature on new iMacs
  • added Dutch localization
  • fixes a crash that occurred on startup on some macs
[FaceDialer on iTunes]

FaceDialer lets users create speed dial icons for their homescreens to call, sms or mail favorite contacts via one single touch!
The new release adds the handy feature to add icons for FaceTime contacts directly to the homescreen. FaceDialer 1.1 also adds support for iPod touch devices.

FaceDialer features an intuitive and attractive user interface that guides the user step by step through the process of creating speed dial icons for all their important contacts.

Feature Highlights:

  • Use any photo on the device for the creation of speed dial icons
  • Supports creation of icons for Call, SMS, Mail and FaceTime
  • Creates high resolution speed dial icons (iOS 4.1 required)
  • Create folders of speed dial icons (iOS 4 required)
  • No Internet connection required, once the icon is created.
admin on January 18th, 2010

UICallOutView is a private class in UIKit that produces “annotation views” as pictured on the left. These can be very useful (even outside MapKit). Unfortunately as UICallOutView is private Apple rejects applications using this class. Searching for a replacement I found this thread on stackoverflow. Ed Anuff programmed a nice replacement class that is free of any private Apple Stuff. Unfortunately he programmed it in Mono Touch (C#), which is not so useful for many iPhone programmers.
I ported it over to Objective C/Cocoa Touch.

You can download the port here: Download

admin on August 28th, 2009

smcFanControl 2.2.2 should be fully compatible with the final release of OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard). There are no known issues.

I ran into a pesky problem after I installed the iPhone SDK (before that I installed XCode 3.2 from the Installer DVD) under Snow Leopard: My iPhone/iPod Touch was neither detected by Xcode nor by iTunes anymore. It seems that the iPhone SDK for Snow Leopard (downloadable at and released in June 2009) installs outdated MobileDevice Extensions that are incompabile with the final release of OS X 10.6

Here is what I did to fix that problem:

  1. Delete AppleMobileDevice.kext  and AppleUSBEthernetHost.kext from /System/Library
  2. Delete DeviceLink.framework, MobileDevice.framework and iTunesAccess.framework and iTunesAccess.framework from /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks
  3. Delete from /System/Library/LaunchDaemons
  4. Delete any iTunes and MobileDevice related pkgs from /Library/Receipts
  5. Reinstall the iTunes.pkg from your Snow Leopard DVD, located at
    /Volumes/Mac OS X Install DVD/System/Installation/Packages/

After these steps my iPhone was found again by Xcode and iTunes

admin on June 30th, 2009
rounded_512-copy-150x150_with_reflection [See Demo] [eCurrency on iTunes]

eCurrency is an intuitive, easy-to-user currency converter providing up-to-date exchange rate information. The ideal accompaniment for overseas travel and shopping, as well as business trips abroad.

Version 1.1 adds the following features:

  • Supports over 190 major currencies including legacy currencies such as Deutsch Mark and French Franc, as well as commodities (gold, silver, platinum, palladium)
  • Selecting and creating a list of preferred currencies for fast access
  • „Keyboard Click-Sound“ and „Shake Sound“ can be deactivated
admin on April 9th, 2009
smcfancontrol_v2 [Download]

smcFanControl 2.2.2 adds the following features/bugfixes:

  • Offical support for every so far released Macbook, Macbook Pro, Macbook Air, mac mini included
  • Fans of iMacs, MacPro’s are read out on first startup. For official support of iMac/MacPro in a future release please send me your ModelName and min/max speed for every fan.
  • The fan to be displayed in the menubar can be chosen now
  • All known memory leaks fixed
  • Spanish localization included